Town Area Resident Public Information Night:
Attention Hampton Town area residents. You are invited to the Hampton Police Department on Tuesday February 20, 2024 at 5:00pm for a neighborhood information night.
The meeting will focus on area concerns related to safety brought forward by residents, Q&A with the Chief, 2024 planning, other safety related topics. The meeting will be held in the police department training room. This will be the first of two such meeting for this area of town in 2024. The second North Beach sector meeting will be announced after the summer season.
It is our goal to hear the safety concerns of the community and work collaboratively to make our amazing community as safe as possible.
The Town Area is residences west of Mill Road/Locke/Landing Road to the town borders of Hampton Falls, Exeter, and North Hampton.
[A separate meeting for North Beach area residents will be on Monday March 4th. Formal announcements for that area will be made in the coming weeks.]
We hope to see you there!