Oct. 4th is the official date for The Blessing of the Animals aka St. Francis Day OR The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Bring your pet(s) to be blessed &/OR watch other animals being blessed.
Depending upon which day 10/4 is each year, churches often celebrate the weekend before or after that date.
You do NOT need to be a church member to participate. Fun to see all of the different animals, mainly dogs, but others show up as well.
It’s often at Episcopalian and Catholic churches, but sometimes other Christian sects participate too.
Below are links and info on four different churches celebrating over the next 8 days (Sun 09/29 thru Sun 10/06).
Christ Church in Exeter, https://christchurchexeter.org/events/
- Sun, September 29th, 12-12:30 pm. It sounds like it’s a short, low-key ceremony
St. Andrew’s by the Sea in Rye, https://www.standrews-by-the-sea.org/events
- Friday, October 4th, 4pm, This one sounds more involved with treats for all. Free Will donations accepted for Mary’s Dog’s Rescue & Adoption (do not know this organization, so do your own due diligence)
Trinity Episcopal Church and three other churches come together for this service, https://trinityhampton.org/blessing-of-the-animals-oct-5th/
- Saturday, October 5th at 10am, Brief service at the Gazebo at Depot Square (Hwy 1/Lafayette Rd & High Street/Hwy 27)
St. George’s in York Harbor, ME, https://stgeorgesyorkharbor.org/
- Sunday, October 6, between 3 – 4pm, On Sunday, October 6th, we’ll remember Saint Francis and celebrate God’s loving care for all creation by blessing our animal friends. Drop by Moulton Park any time between 3:00 and 4:00pm and invite your friends and neighbors who have animals as part of their lives. All creatures are welcome whether great or tiny, lumbering or scurrying, furry or slithery.