Movie Night at O’neilCinemas
Movie theater in Epping, NH.
Join us this Tuesday Oct.1st for 7:30pm showing to view Matt Walsh’s latest film, “Am I Racist?,” which is a comedy.
- “Am I Racist?” trailer
After the movie (1 hr 41 min), we will re-group at Applebee’s (or other nearby restaurant) to chat about the film and other topics.
When: Tues 10/01 at 7:30pm (or 5:05pm)
Tuesday is Bargain Night so tickets are $6. If you’re part of the theater’s club, you probably pay less.
Where: O’neilCinemas–Epping movie theater off of Hwy 101
- Brickyard Square12– 24 Calef Highway, Epping, NH 03042, 603-679-3529
After the movie: Applebee’s (or nearby restaurant) in Epping
Bring: Fun loving attitude, critical thought, friends, cash/credit cards for movie ticket and any beverages &/OR food that you may want to purchase at the theater &/OR restaurant.
Hope to see you there!