Happy Valentine’s Day: Remember Your Spouse, Significant Other, Family, Friends, and Pets!
Do something nice for those you love: significant other, family, friends, and your pets!
Do something nice for those you love: significant other, family, friends, and your pets!
On the third Monday in February, we honor our first President, George Washington, whose birthday is February 22. We also traditionally honor President Abraham Lincoln at the same time, whose birthday is February 12. Ways To Observe Presidents Day Celebrate your favorite U.S. president. Watch a documentary about the office of POTUS and past Presidents. […]
Bring ALL of your neighbors, family, and friends to VOTE in the **annual** Town Election. If you want certain processes and improvements in place OR not, **YOU** NEED to VOTE.
Meet other Republicans. Listen to others. Ask questions. Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Where: St. Vincent DePaul Community Kitchen, 441R Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH. Park in the Hampton municipal parking lot behind Greg’s Bistro Pizza.
On March 14—Albert Einstein’s birthday—math and history buffs can raise a piece of pie (dessert &/or pizza) to Pi (π) Day, an international celebration of one of math’s most famous constants: the irrational, never-ending Pi (π) pronounced "pie" (3.14159 . . .). Supposedly, the San Francisco Exploratorium physicist, Larry Shaw, invented the day in 1988. Congress […]
“May those who love us, Love us. And those who do not love us, May God turn their hearts. And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we’ll know them by their limping.”–Irish Proverb
“Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is.”–Jessica Harrelson “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”–Lady Bird Johnson “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”– Audrey Hepburn “Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.” – Unknown “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” – Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina OSTARA "Ostara […]
Each year, April 1st is celebrated as April Fools' Day around the world. Individuals will "pull each other's legs" and play harmless pranks for fun and laughter. People often come up with amusing or silly ideas to surprise their loved ones or friends. Afterwards, the prankster will yell, "April Fools" to reveal that it was […]
Meet other Republicans. Listen to others. Ask questions. Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Where: St. Vincent DePaul Community Kitchen, 441R Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH. Park in the Hampton municipal parking lot behind Greg’s Bistro Pizza
New Hampshire State Taxes are due on April 15, 2025. Note: New Hampshire impose a tax only on interest and dividends, no tax on wages.