HamptonNH GOP Monthly Meetings: The Second Wednesday of Each Month

Saint Vincent DePaul Community 441R Lafayette Riad, Hampton, NH, United States

Meet other Republicans.  Listen to others.  Ask questions.  Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Where:  St. Vincent DePaul Community Kitchen, 441R Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH. Park in the Hampton municipal parking lot behind Greg’s Bistro Pizza

Tax Day

New Hampshire State Taxes are due on April 15, 2025. Note:  New Hampshire impose a tax only on interest and dividends, no tax on wages.

Happy Easter

  ” ‘Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.”—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow       “He is risen.”–Matthew 28:6 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”–John 3:16     “Easter egg hunts […]

Happy Earth Day

“Preserve and cherish the blue dot, the only home that we’ve ever known.”--Carl Sagan “The Earth is what we all have in common.” —Wendell Berry       Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to celebrate and support our environment and the planet. HISTORY 1969:  Wisconsin Senator, two-term WI governor, and ardent conservationist, Gaylord […]

Happy Arbor Day!! Plant a Tree, Bushes, Flowers, and Other Greenery.

In New Hampshire, Arbor Day is observed every year on the last Friday in April. Unlike most holidays, Arbor Day is future-oriented, as it involves planting a tree and other plant life instead of celebrating a past event. New Hampshire extends the celebration with Forest Conservation Week, which begins the day after Arbor Day. HISTORY […]

3rd Annual Earth Day Beach Clean-Up, Sat 4/26

3rd Annual Earth Day Beach Clean-Up Saturday, April 26th 9:30am-11:30am Bring:  Sunglasses, sunblock, hats/caps that you can tie, windbreaker, gloves.  Likely will be windy. Dress appropriately for the weather.  Meet at Seashell Complex & Concert Pavilion aka Seashell Stage at 9:30am. About 6 min walking distance South from “Lady of the Sea” monument aka NH Marine Memorial. Wally’s for Lunch from 11:30am […]

May Day

May Day is an ancient festival celebrating the beginning of Summer.  It's usually celebrated on May 1st, which is an approximate midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Festivities may also be held the night before, known as May Eve. Traditions often include: gathering wildflowers and green branches, weaving floral garlands, crowning a […]

Happy Mother’s Day

                  "Anyone can be a mother but it takes someone special to be a mom." Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of an individual or family and mothers' societal influence. In many parts of the world, it is celebrated on different days, often in the […]

HamptonNH GOP Monthly Meetings: The Second Wednesday of Each Month

Saint Vincent DePaul Community 441R Lafayette Riad, Hampton, NH, United States

Meet other Republicans.  Listen to others.  Ask questions.  Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Where:  St. Vincent DePaul Community Kitchen, 441R Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH. Park in the Hampton municipal parking lot behind Greg’s Bistro Pizza

Memorial Day–Honor Our Fallen

          Honor and remember the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Ways to Honor Our Fallen: Participate in Memorial Day parades and services. Bring flags and/or flowers for the graves of slain soldiers. Read books and watch films that are historically accurate such as “”They […]