HamptonNH GOP Monthly Meetings: The Second Wednesday of Each Month

Saint Vincent DePaul Community 441R Lafayette Riad, Hampton, NH, United States

Meet other Republicans.  Listen to others.  Ask questions.  Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Where:  St. Vincent DePaul Community Kitchen, 441R Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH. Park in the Hampton municipal parking lot behind Greg's Bistro Pizza

Happy Pi Day!! Eat some pizza, cheesecake, &/or dessert pie today. Pi (3.14159265358979) is “a mathematical constant that expresses the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.”

On March 14—Albert Einstein’s birthday—math and history buffs can raise a piece of pie (dessert &/or pizza) to Pi (π) Day, an international celebration of one of math’s most famous constants: the irrational, never-ending Pi (π) pronounced "pie" (3.14159 . . .). Supposedly, the San Francisco Exploratorium physicist, Larry Shaw, invented the day in 1988. Congress […]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

"May those who love us, Love us.  And those who do not love us, May God turn their hearts.  And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping."--Irish Proverb

The Gathering Brunch at Bogie’s, Sunday, March 17th 11am – 1pm

Bogie's at Depot Square 32 Depot Square, Hampton, NH, United States

Bible Study, Music and Fellowship at Bogie's in Depot Square. Hampton GOP Co-Clerk Linda McGrath's sister will be leading the bible study "Identity in Christ" by Vicki Frydrych. Breakfast and lunch available.

Hampton NH GOP Speakers Event with Chuck Morse (Governor candidate) & Hollie Noveletsky (CD1 candidate). Meet, Greet, Mingle &/OR Eat at Lamies Inn & The Old Salt

Lamies Inn & Old Salt Tavern 490 Lafayette Rd, Hampton, New Hampshire

  Hampton GOP Speakers Event Please join us at a favorite, traditional New England "eating & drinking place," Lamies Inn & The Old Salt in the Goody Cole Room. Hollie Noveletsky and Chuck Morse will be speaking. Mingle with others.  Listen, chat, drink, &/OR eat dinner. Order food &/OR beverage for yourself, OR not.  Separate […]

Happy Spring aka Vernal or Spring Equinox aka Ostara

"Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be." – Unknown "Spring is the time of plans and projects." – Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina "Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is."--Jessica Harrelson "Where flowers bloom, so does hope."--Lady Bird Johnson "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."– Audrey Hepburn […]

Dinner & a Movie Night at Bogie’s in Depot Square! Watching “America: Imagine the World Without Her” (2014) by Dinesh D’Sousa. Monday, March 25th 6PM

Bogie's at Depot Square 32 Depot Square, Hampton, NH, United States

at Bogie's in Depot Square. "America: Imagine a World Without Her" (2014) by Dinesh D'Sousa. Shown on a projector screen in private dining room. Rush Limbaugh says: "You will be inspired!" Chat, eat, drink:  Mon, March 25th at 6pm Film starts: 6:30pm Order food &/OR beverages anytime. Separate checks. ABOUT THE FILM (103 minutes, or […]

Ballot Recount: OBSERVE the Recounting of Ballots from Town of Hampton’s 03-12-2024 Election TODAY, Wed 03/27/2024

Hampton Town Hall 100 Winnacunnet Road, Hampton, New Hampshire

Need ALL volunteers (NH residents, Hampton residents) to OBSERVE the recounting of ballots from 3/12/24 election by Hampton Town Clerk staff and Selectmen. When:  Wed 3/27/2024 starting at 9 am until all 5 articles are counted. Where:  Basement of Hampton Town Hall, 100 Winnacunnet Road, Hampton, NH