Ice Cream Social, 5:30pm Thurs Sept 5th in North Hampton
Centennial Hall 105 Post Road, North Hampton, NH, United StatesHosted by North Hampton NH GOP Hampton NH GOP Hampton Falls NH GOP Rye NH GOP
Hosted by North Hampton NH GOP Hampton NH GOP Hampton Falls NH GOP Rye NH GOP
Join in on the music, events, and SEAFOOD at the Seafood Festival. Check the festival's website for further details: (copy & past link)
National New Hampshire Day on September 7 recognizes New Hampshire becoming the ninth state to join the Union and celebrates all things New Hampshire. New Hampshire Facts: Nickname: Granite State. Statehood: 1788 as the 9th state in the Union. Population (as of 2022): 1,395,000. Capital: Concord. Biggest City: Manchester. […]
ELECTION ALERT: Since August 9th, the Town Clerk‘s Office has been sending people away who were looking to register to vote. This should not have happened. You have until August 29th to register at the Town Clerks Office. After August 29th, you will be able to register on Election Day at the polls. The polls […]
Come with ideas of HOW to WIN the GENERAL ELECTION on November 5th. Meet other Republicans. Listen to others. Ask questions. Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Where: St. Vincent DePaul Community Kitchen, 441R Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH. Park […]
Mingle with others at The Conservative Breakfast Club. Where: Linda’s Breakfast 920 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, NH Separate checks. All are welcome.
Buy your book today! OR, READ FOR FREE (copy & paste link) At Bogies Bar & Grill Depot Square. Buy your dinner, appetizer, &/OR beverage before & during book club. First 10 people at the book club meeting will win a FREE hot pink "Stop 1984!" T-shirt.
"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." - F. Scott Fitzgerald "The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go."- Unknown “I notice that Autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche "Autumn is a second spring […]
Thursday 9/26 thru Sunday 9/29. 34 Stage Road, Deerfield, NH 03037 North of Raymond & Candia, NH. Visit the Republican Booth. Visit their website below for more information. Copy & Paste website: