Hampton NH GOP Speakers Event with Chuck Morse (Governor candidate) & Hollie Noveletsky (CD1 candidate). Meet, Greet, Mingle &/OR Eat at Lamies Inn & The Old Salt

Lamies Inn & Old Salt Tavern 490 Lafayette Rd, Hampton, New Hampshire

  Hampton GOP Speakers Event Please join us at a favorite, traditional New England "eating & drinking place," Lamies Inn & The Old Salt in the Goody Cole Room. Hollie Noveletsky and Chuck Morse will be speaking. Mingle with others.  Listen, chat, drink, &/OR eat dinner. Order food &/OR beverage for yourself, OR not.  Separate […]

Happy Spring aka Vernal or Spring Equinox aka Ostara

"Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be." – Unknown "Spring is the time of plans and projects." – Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina "Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is."--Jessica Harrelson "Where flowers bloom, so does hope."--Lady Bird Johnson "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."– Audrey Hepburn […]

Dinner & a Movie Night at Bogie’s in Depot Square! Watching “America: Imagine the World Without Her” (2014) by Dinesh D’Sousa. Monday, March 25th 6PM

Bogie's at Depot Square 32 Depot Square, Hampton, NH, United States

at Bogie's in Depot Square. "America: Imagine a World Without Her" (2014) by Dinesh D'Sousa. Shown on a projector screen in private dining room. Rush Limbaugh says: "You will be inspired!" Chat, eat, drink:  Mon, March 25th at 6pm Film starts: 6:30pm Order food &/OR beverages anytime. Separate checks. ABOUT THE FILM (103 minutes, or […]

Ballot Recount: OBSERVE the Recounting of Ballots from Town of Hampton’s 03-12-2024 Election TODAY, Wed 03/27/2024

Hampton Town Hall 100 Winnacunnet Road, Hampton, New Hampshire

Need ALL volunteers (NH residents, Hampton residents) to OBSERVE the recounting of ballots from 3/12/24 election by Hampton Town Clerk staff and Selectmen. When:  Wed 3/27/2024 starting at 9 am until all 5 articles are counted. Where:  Basement of Hampton Town Hall, 100 Winnacunnet Road, Hampton, NH

Happy Easter

" 'Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy."--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow       "He is risen."--Matthew 28:6 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."--John 3:16     "Easter egg […]

April 1st aka April Fools’ Day

Each year, April 1st is celebrated as April Fools' Day around the world. Individuals will "pull each other's legs" and play harmless pranks for fun and laughter.  People often come up with amusing or silly ideas to surprise their loved ones or friends. Afterwards, the prankster will yell, "April Fools" to reveal that it was […]