Earth Day Beach Clean Up then Lunch at Wally’s!

The Hampton GOP invites everyone to come and spend the day on the seacoast, we will be celebrating Earth Day 2023 by cleaning up Hampton Beach! The Blue Ocean Society will be providing all the supplies including gloves for the volunteers. Music will be playing and there will be educational tables set up with recycling […]

Apple Picking!

Lou & Mary Gargiulo's Home 21 Linden Dr., Hampton Falls, NH, United States

Fundraiser for Seacoast Republicans FREE TO ATTEND AND PICK APPLES! Rain or Shine Apple cider donuts and apple cider for sale. 50/50 Raffle with dozens of prizes.

HamptonNH GOP Monthly Meetings: The Second Wednesday of Each Month

Saint Vincent DePaul Community 441R Lafayette Riad, Hampton, NH, United States

Meet other Republicans.  Listen to others.  Ask questions.  Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Where:  St. Vincent DePaul Community Kitchen, 441R Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH. Park in the Hampton municipal parking lot behind Greg’s Bistro Pizza.