Memorial Day

    Honor and remember the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Ways to Honor Our Fallen: Participate in Memorial Day parades and […]

Flag Waving in HAMPTON, NH Memorial Day Parade. Meet at 11am

Hampton Fire Department 140 Winnacunnet Road, Hampton, New Hampshier

Wave Flags & March with Us We will march in the HAMPTON NH Memorial Day Parade.  We will hold banners with the lyrics to "God Bless America." Wear an AMERICAN […]

HamptonNH GOP Monthly Meetings: The Second Wednesday of Each Month

Saint Vincent DePaul Community 441R Lafayette Riad, Hampton, NH, United States

Meet other Republicans.  Listen to others.  Ask questions.  Bring ideas. Volunteer. Begin the meeting with reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. […]